Work with Me

Soul Scribe Sessions

Get the guidance and confirmation you need to progress toward your divine destiny.


It’s entirely reasonable – especially during the turbulent times of today – to doubt and question those things that have been your source of solace for so many years …

Your career kicked off great, yet now – a few years later – it’s not the “perfect job” you thought it once was.

You wanted the “American dream,” but as the country grows more and more divided, the dream is now looking more like a nightmare.

And your soul is yearning for something more, something more significant, something you’ve never experienced before.

The only problem is, you have no idea what that “something” is or even how to get it.

And that, my love, is where I come in.

When you schedule your  Refuel Your Session, I will step in as the vessel from the Divine spirit (in the form of an Oracle) to relay guiding messages and.or to offer energy healing. Intuition will guide us through the use of Oracle, tarot, numerology, astrology, and/or chanting to deliver and confirm messages from Spirit.

During our glorious 45 minutes together, we will discuss any one of your topics of concern:


Spiritual Destiny

Natal Birth Chart Astrology

Numerology Chart



You see, you no longer have to sit with “something” incredible stirring in your soul.

With me as your pathway to the Spirit, you will receive the guidance and confirmation you need to
uncover and push toward your destiny.

Now, I can undoubtedly help you uncover your true calling as defined by the Spirit, but YOU
gotta take the first step to receive the message. Click the link below to schedule your session.